Thanks And Suggestions Page

Let's hear what your thanks and suggestions are!

Use this page to take a minute to thank somebody in your classroom for something nice they have done for you. This page can also be used for suggestions you might have for your homeroom. Please feel free to use this page REGULARLY throughout the year.

Please remember to use proper grammar and punctuation.

Show your level 4-ness! Make some deposits into your emotional bank accounts :)ar and punctuation. Show your level 4-ness! Make some deposits into your emotional bank accounts :)

Use this page to thank a student or a teacher for something kind or thoughtful they did. This can brighten up their day and get rid of their bad mood if they have one! You should come here if you have a bad mood, I'm sure 81 can cheer you up!

"It's the always the right time, to do something right. "